Did you know that 6 out of 10 adults in the US is living with chronic illness, pain, and/or disability. In working with thousands of individuals and families experiencing chronic illness and disability over the course of my career, I have identified a common denominator and target themes for healing that have allowed my clients to break free from their limitations, and sometimes even live pain free lives. The ACE’s evaluation which was implemented by Kaiser Permanente has been ground-breaking in the field of psychosocial physiologic research and neurobiology. This work has influenced my focus on working on trauma, stress and distress that ultimately contributes to disease. You can take the assessment here if you want to know your score: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/03/02/387007941/take-the-ace-quiz-and-learn-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean
Chronic illness like Diabetes, IBS, Autoimmune diseases, Migraines, and orthopedic pain and mobility impairment are preventable and can be ameliorated through psychotherapy and EMDR treatment that is focused on mind-body healing and neurobiology. Biofeedback and other modalities for healing like mindfulness meditation, yoga, massage, hypnosis, somatic experiencing, and spiritual healing practices all harness the power of a trance state to allow the body-mind to heal, evolve, and expand.
There is research and evidence that supports healing the mind-body connection is powerful. Reach out when you are ready to embark on a wellness journey. I am developing EMDR Intensives for healing pain pathways that lead to chronic illness, anxiety, and addiction.
Take a little time to read about how mindfulness meditation can be beneficial, healing and start today with the Insight Timer:
With Compassion. .
May you be happy..
May you be healthy..
May you experience ease and well-being..